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I am currently a student studying Applied Psychology in IADT as you all know because if you are on this blog then chances are you are in my class.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Films The Tourist

While not the worst film in the world, it is a far cry from the quality pictures I have come to expect of mr depp, with the exception of the last three pirates of the caribean films of course. The last one in praticular had me counting the minutes till the three hour travesty was over but I digress this film in short this film is about two really good looking people prancing around venice, falling in love with the occasional chase scene thrown in. The final  few minutes in what is supposed to be the big twist, I felt like screaming at the characters 'duh' and found myself wondering how they had taken nearly two hours to figure it out. Not worth the price of admission, wait till it is on tv3 in five years time but only watch if there is nothing better on.

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