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I am currently a student studying Applied Psychology in IADT as you all know because if you are on this blog then chances are you are in my class.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Inglorious Basterds

Tarantino Ladies and Gentlemen, so it is hard not to have high expectations (when he is directing not acting of course) from Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction to Kill Bill this man had made some of my favorite movies of all time and this little gem is no excetion. From it's tense nail bitting opener to the action packed finale I was clued to the screen.  Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa is absolutely fantastic, this man truely deserved the oscar as I found myself at times forgetting I was watching an actor on screen, so believable was his performance that I still Can't look at waltz without feeling a small amout of fear and a large amount of hate. If you have ever enjoyed a Tarantino film see this one, in fact even if you were not to fond of his earlier work this might be the one to convert you.

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